
SSDTC - SSDTC Membership Update - Pending SMS Message

SSDTC Membership Update - Pending SMS Message

As we mentioned last time, we're busying working on the transfer ('Migrating') all the people that have joined the club since 2005 to a new membership system. Obviously there will be several people that are no longer with us, not 'officially' training their dog or just stopped coming along on a Sunday, so in a bid to clean things up, we're sending out a SMS messages to all the members who's current record has a mobile number attached to it. At this point of time, the message is scheduled to be sent on the Saturday, 1st October 2022.

The message will offer people the opportunity to 'register' themselves by providing an email address and password. Once that's done, we'll send you an email where you can activate your membership, edit your details, highlight which club activity we offer that your particularly interested in, and much more....

You'll also be asked to "Migrate your dog" to your membership (associate them to you), simply pick the dog and 'migrate' them. Once they are associated with your membership you can edit their details. An important point to note is that we are listing breeds that are recognised and registered with The Fédération Cynologique Internationale [FCI], they are a World Canine Organisation, these are what you'll see in the breed search list. You won't find breeds like, Groodle, Moodles, etc. in the search list, as they would be classified as Golden Retriever Cross or Maltese Cross respectively. This has been to done to ensure continuity of the data.

You can also apply for renewal. You'll see on the members 'Dashboard' an option to RENEW Membership if it's due. It will be ‘greyed’ out or un-selectable if you're financial. If you select it, you will be prompted to go to the club on Sunday morning to pay the dues and obtain your new or updated card. Once your dues are received your financial status will be updated.

Testing of the "migration" process of the existing members details to the new system, has been underway over the past weeks, but as with all things electronic, there's bound to be some problems so please bear with us and we'll work together to solve any issues.

If you have any question, please contact us via email or come up to the club house and ask.

Remember, the membership and the card isn't a licence to walk or train you dog, your free to that at any time...