Trick Dog Training

Trick Dog Training

Sutherland Shire Dog Training Club conducts Trick Dog Classes every Wednesday fortnight
Please contact for further information and/or to enrol in the class

Trick Dog Competitions are a relatively new ANKC discipline’ which became an official event in January 2020. Developed by members of Dances with Dogs discipline, the intention of Trick Dogs is to encourage handlers to teach their dogs skills and to display behaviours in a positive environment.

As many of the tricks are simply an extension of basic obedience training, teaching your dog foundation Tricks can parallel your dog's training.  Teaching your dog tricks must be fun. You can teach your dog many tricks, but your dog must truly be enjoying itself.  Sessions should be short and fun for both dog and handler.

In Trick Dog owners/handlers and their dogs learn a variety of skills or tricks in a positive and fun environment.

There is a wide choice of tricks, so owners/handlers can work to their dog’s strengths, with owners/handlers and dogs of all abilities able to compete.

As a team, owners/handlers and their dogs begin to compete to gain their Trick Dog Titles

  • Trick Dog Competitions commences at the Starter Class.
    The handler selects (6) six tricks which the dog enjoys doing from a list of seventeen (17)  and following training the handler and dog team compete to gain their Trick Dog Title Starter (TK.S.).
  • Novice Class is the next stage and as the dog and handler gain more experience the Tricks are more difficult, and the number of tricks increases to eight.
  • Intermediate Class requires eight tricks for competition and each trick is more difficult in execution and duration.
  • In the Advanced Class the dog is required to perform a selection of ten advanced tricks from a list of 29 trick descriptions.

Rewards such as a treat or a toy may be given after each trick in the Starter and Novice Class and it’s a great introduction for newcomers to competition dog sports. Praising through speech can be given before, during and after all classes.

Developing skills in a range of tricks in trick dog provides an excellent basis for transitioning to Dances with Dogs, or some of the other dog sports.

Why get into Trick Dog?

Trick Dog is a great training opportunity and provides both mental stimulation and physical activity and improves the connection between owners and their dogs, channelling their energy into something that is mutually enjoyable and beneficial.

Trick Dog offers flexibility and an opportunity to develop the skills and enjoyment of both dogs and their owners.

Click Here to display Rules for the Conduct of TRICK DOG TESTS